Whose Pen Speaks for the Cause of Oromo.
Published 01/01/2010 -12:00a.m.

certain caveats as to our intentions and the procedures we followed in this selection. Firstly, we would like to thank all our visitors for enthusiasm and participation in this process. Secondly, the Voice of Oromia’s role in this selection was merely an
adumbration. The selection is done by the participants. Period. Of course, the Voice of Oromia mentioned some names in the first round of selection.
Those names were only meant to give clues. We gave you the power to up hold or discard them. We also gave you a freedom to come up with your choice (s). For example, Hassan Hussein, the winner in the category of the Politician of the Year was not hinted by us. His name came out of the merry will of the participants. Thirdly, our intention is simply to recognize those individual (s) who contributed for Oromo people’s well being. It is not meant for other purposes as such.
There are countless persons of the year. In principle, everybody is the person of the year and we would like to congratulate all of our visitors. There we many people who contributed for the advancement of well being of Oromo in year 2009. Google learning of Afaan Oromoo is a wonderful technological achievement, and the same with the Creation of Dire Tube and Ethiotube. Thank you those people who participated in those projects. Equally, there are so many people we would like to recognize their contributions; Yassin Juma, Tamam Waritu, Assefa Dibaba, Boruu Barraaqaa, Artist Diribe, Habtamu Dhugo, Dr. Gabisa Ejeta, and so many unmentioned countless heroes. The Oromo community of Austria, Houston, Minneosta, Manitoba and all are highly encouraged on what you are doing.
The Winner of the Voice of Oromia Person of the Year is a Man Whose Pen Speaks for the Cause of Oromo. Here are some of the reasons our visitors gave to select Fayyis Oromia. Wakjira Gudeta from Milan hailed Fayyis as “Briliant” writer and it deserves translation into a documentary film in the future. Mosisa commented Fayyis’ writings as timely and enlightening. Fromsa described Fayyis as a brilliant and man of “deep knowledge in the Oromo history and share his idea to enlighten the so called the elite Oromo and others”.
Voice of Oromia appreciates the writings of Fayyis Oromia on timely and burning issues on Oromo politics. He has a high power of production, whenever an issue that pertains to Oromia pops up; he is there to respond in a detailed fashion. He wrote more than 40 articles in span of the time less than 6 months. Among other things he exposed the universal truth about TPLF in cyber world; he unraveled TPLF conspiracy to rule forever by harnessing differences between Amhara and Oromo; he wrote about the status of Afaan Oromoo in Ethiopian politics; he wrote about unconditional recognition of self
determination; he wrote on several issues. As some put he laid a blue print for Oromia or set a roadmap for Oromia. He has huge intellectual agility, fast to reply. He was ready to support our cause; reveal our foes conspiracies; and so on. For sure, he is King of Oromo Cyber World in the second half of 2009. We expect a lot from you in the New Year.
Happy New Year for Fayyis and All of Us.
For the above reasons we choose Fayyis Oromia as Voice of Oromia's 2009 Person of
the Year.
Source: Voice of Oromia
OromiaTimes congratulates Fayyis Oromia! May Waaqa Oromo bless you in the coming new year. Jabaadhu yaa sabboonaa Oromoo!
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