June 16, 2006

O.N.L.F Statement On The Alliance For Freedom &

June 15th 2006

On the 21st of May, 2006 the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) entered into a bold new alliance with the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), The Ethiopian People’s Patriotic Front (EPPF), The Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) and the Coalition for Unity & Democracy Party (CUDP) to form the Alliance for Freedom & Democracy (AFD).

The alliance represents the hopes and aspirations of millions of men, women and children who have for far too long been denied their inalienable rights to forge their own future based on the principles of mutual respect, tolerance, justice, freedom and democracy.

The Somali people of Ogaden have suffered immeasurably under successive regimes and the EPRDF led minority regime currently in power is no exception. In Ogaden, extra judicial killings of Somalis, arbitrary detention and other forms of EPRDF directed repression
is commonplace.

The Ogaden has very few schools, no significant infrastructure to speak of and armed militias sponsored by the EPRDF regime regularly intimidate and sometimes execute innocent civilians.

Traditional commerce between Ogaden and Somalia, a lifeline for our people, is routinely and deliberately interrupted by EPRDF troops creating widespread economic hardship for our people.

Humanitarian assistance for the victims of drought in Ogaden are often sold on the black market by EPRDF military officers seeking to profit from high food prices.

Where gas and oil exploration projects are planned by the minority EPRDF regime, civilians are relocated against their will and without compensation. These forced resettlements exacerbate inter-clan conflicts among patoralists as competition for grazing land and wells often turn deadly.

The EPRDF minority regimes has also used the Ogaden to train militias and smuggle weapons for Somali warlords in clear violation of the UN arms embargo put in place fueling armed conflict in Somalia and contributing to political instability in the entire region.

Despite public statements by the EPRDF regime indicating that it was prepared to engage in direct discussions with the ONLF, the regime has deliberately avoided seeking a comprehensive and lasting political settlement to the Ogaden crisis choosing to ignore a path of peace through dialogue and instead pursuing a futile military solution which has resulted in widespread suffering among the people of Ogaden.

Last month, the minority EPRDF regime deployed thousands of troops to the Ogaden in a bid to eliminate by force the ONLF and persecute those suspected of being ONLF sympathizers. This new military assault on the people of Ogaden is currently ongoing with civilian casualties mounting.

Deserting EPRDF troops have indicated to the ONLF that this redeployment is part of a three month offensive seeking to also secure areas identified for future oil and gas exploration.

The ADF has the potential to represent a different path. One which is based on mutual respect and a recognition that force cannot quell the aspirations of the people to determine their own future. It is in that regard that the ONLF urges the international community to support the AFDs call for an all inclusive conference aimed a reaching a just and comprehensive political settlement.

The ONLF joins the other members of the alliance in overcoming the challenges that have prevented us from working together. We stand ready to play our role in ensuring that the politics of hate and suspicion will be replaced with the politics of tolerance, mutual respect and cooperation to forge a brighter future for all concerned.

Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)


Source: www.ogaden.com

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