August 20, 2006

Somalia: Another defected TFG forces to join the Islamists in Mogadishu

By Aweys Osman Yusuf
Mogadishu : A round 100 government forces had deserted their base near Baidoa airstrip, southern Somalia late last night.
Nearly 500 government forces have defected since the Union of Islamic Courts took control of most strategic areas in Somalia.
The break away soldiers complained of bad life and discriminate treatment by senior government officials. Most these forces preferred joining the Islamic forces following negotiations as confirmed to Shabelle by reliable sources close to the Islamists.
The Somali federal government led by president Abdullahi Yusuf and the UIC meeting is scheduled to take place in Khartoum, Sudan, in an effort to halt another disastrous war between the Islamists and the Mr.Yusuf's regime.
Islamists previously objected to going to that meeting on the condition of Ethiopian troops pulling out of the Somali territory. But after foreign diplomatic effort, they accepted to take part in the peace negotiation conference.
Shabelle Media Network Somalia

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