November 27, 2006

Avert an East African Islamic Terror Volcano – Break down fake ‘Ethiopia’!

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

When all the world focuses almost exclusively on Iraq, Lebanon, Iran, Syria and Israel, forgetting at the same time the Darfur Drama, and tolerating the existence of the African Hitler, President Al Bashir of Sudan, critical developments take place in Somalia and Abyssinia, a country falsely called Ethiopia. The next rendezvous of the Islamic Terror is with Abyssinia.

By Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

A bogus-state plunged in ethnic tyranny, underdevelopment and starvation

Abyssinia, do not call it ‘Ethiopia’ if you please, the reasons are to be found in this article, has all it takes to present the rest of the world one of the nastiest surprises we have ever had: an Islamic Revolution that will pressurize over Sudan, Yemen, Kenya, and Egypt.

The country is an amalgamation of African ethnic groups that underwent various regimes that were all imposed by a dominant and analphabetic ethnic group, the Semitic Amharas. They do not represent more than 20% of the entire population of Abyssinia but tyrannize the Oromos (42%), the Ogadenis (10%), Sidamas and other Southerners (10%), and the multi-split Afars (8%), who are dispersed among three states, namely Abyssinia, Djibouti, and Eritrea. The post-communist era American policy in Abyssinia was not relevant of deep understanding of the Horn of Africa area and of the dangling dangers: they supported a Semitic Tigray (12%) president, pushing them to establish a larger Semitic basis of rule by forming a most unsolicited alliance with the Amharas. ...

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