November 27, 2006

Islamists in central Somalia urge people to take part in a Jihad war with Ethiopia

Aweys Osman Yusuf
Mogadishu 26, Nov.06 ( Sh.M.Network)
– The Union of Islamic Courts senior officers in central Somalia have today spoken to the civilian population in Abudwaq where residents have been fleeing since yesterday in fear of war.

Several hundreds of civilians have participated in huge rally held in the town square where number of Islamist leaders in Abudwaq has delivered speeches, urging people to line behind the Union of Islamic Courts.
Sheik Ali Bashir Ahmed Omar, the commander of Islamist fighters in Abudwaq, has told spectators not to be afraid and take part in what he called the jihad war against the Ethiopian invaders.

The rally came after civilians was most scared of a possible war that could explode between Ethiopian troops and Islamists that are in control of most strategic areas central and southern Somalia, including the capital Mogadishu.

Islamists in Abudwaq have also banned the civilian population from taking weapons in the town, threatening they would take punitive measures based on the Islamic law against non-Islamists caught with carrying a weapon in the town.

Somalia has had no government since 1991 when tribal warlords toppled former president Siad Barre.

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