December 06, 2006

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me

By Staff

The TPLF Premier has finally carried out his mission of instigating war and taken measures that ascertain the regime's history of being an agent of foreign powers. Having reached the verge of its demise, the regime gave a clear indication of its desperation by convening a rubberstamp parliament and ‘ratifying' the declaration of war on the people and State of Somalia. It is no secret that Ethiopia's, or to put it more accurately, TPLF's declaration of war against Somalia is not by any means the Ethiopian people's choice or that of the country's political parties', but rather it was done at the behest of the powers employing Premier Meles in general and the US Administration in particular. And for several reasons, the long-suffering Ethiopian people have been chosen as the sacrificial lamb for the sinister benefit and objectives of Meles and some foreign powers.

As is well known, the TPLF regime is an illegal political entity that seized power by ruthlessly suppressing the Ethiopian people's choice at gunpoint. Consequently, the Ethiopian people's opposition to the illegal clique from inside and outside the country is gaining momentum, threatening the regime's very existence. The principal reason Meles chose to declare war on Somalia at this time is only to divert the Ethiopian people's attention from domestic affairs in a desperate attempt to cling to power. Furthermore, defeated both through war and the rule of law in the war of aggression it launched against Eritrea, the TPLF is at present frantically weaving implausible and irrelevant tales to avoid the implementation of a legal and binding decision. The war on Somalia is only another effort in the series of desperate attempts by the TPLF regime to avoid accountability and the rule of law.

The war on Somalia the TPLF is now gearing for is just Meles' own personal mission and objective only. It is completely devoid of the Ethiopian people's support and is thus bound to be a complete debacle from the onset. The Ethiopian people have no reason to feel threatened by their brotherly people of Somalia and hence have no reason to switch their attention from their domestic affairs to Somalia . This mercenary regime will not be able to deceive the Ethiopian people on false and groundless threats for long. As the saying goes “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”, if the Ethiopian people were deceived once the shame is on the TPLF, but if they are fooled for the second time then the shame will be on them. The Ethiopian people are not an unmindful herd of cattle that would be dragged to their ruin by a scheming clique and although their voice has temporarily been suppressed, eventually it will indeed triumph.

Just as the case between the Ethiopian people and the TPLF, the issue between Eritrea and the TPLF is that of honoring of international law. It is not something that could or would be set aside in the event of war in Somalia . Sooner or later the Boundary Commission's decision will be implemented. The law is above everything else, and the TPLF's declaration of war on the people and State of Somalia will not succeed in serving as a means of avoiding accountability to both the peoples of Ethiopia and Eritrea .

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