December 02, 2006

Islamists take control of another town close to government base

(SomaliNet) Somali’s powerful Islamic Courts Union claimed on Saturday that its troops seized control of Dinsor town in Bay province in southwest of Somalia.

Sheik Abdirihin Ali Mudey, the head of information and communication department of Islamic Courts told today the reporters in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia that Islamic fighters entered the town of Dinsor overnight peacefully.

Earlier neither side has been ruling the town of Dinsor.

If this report is confirmed it would the second town in Bay region which had fallen in the hands of Islamic Courts.

Dinsor town is 130km or (80 miles) southwest of Baidoa city. It is farm land which borders with Lower Shabelle and Middle Juba provinces in southern Somalia.

“Dinsor town is now under our control after our fighters took it last night without war,” Sheik Ali Mudey said. “We will rule the town on hard fist introducing Islamic Sharia law,”

He said the local people have welcomed the seizure of the town by the Islamic Courts and warned off any attack to the town.

Independent sources say that local militia loyal to Islamic Courts Union did not enter the town but stationed an area 8km to it.

There have been ongoing negotiations between Islamic Courts officials and local elders over to introduce an Islamic law in Dinsor.

Militia loyal to Islamic Courts Union is reported to have seized control of Dinsor town in Bay province in southwest of Somalia.

The Islamic Courts seen to continue its policy of extending their power to more lands in Somalia while the besieged transitional federal government based in Baidoa city is unable to push forward.

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