December 06, 2006

Somalia: ICU official says Ethiopia is the master of Somalia unrest

Mohamed Abdi Farah

Sheik Indha Ade

(SomaliNet) The Islamic Courts Union has strongly reacted on Wednesday the comments by the advisor of the Ethiopian Prime Minister Simon Bereket in which he said that Ethiopia is at war with the Islamic movements in the region.

Sheik Yusuf Mohamed Said known as Indha-ade, the security chief of Islamic Courts Union told the local media that Ethiopian government has now indicated its clear aggression to Somalia.

"We have heard the words from the advisor of dictator Meles Zenawi and he is irresponsible man and it is shame to an Ethiopian official to say like that," Sheik Siad Inda-Ade said referring to an statement by Simon Bereket saying that Ethiopia is technically at war with Somalia Islamic Courts and has the right to defend off its enemy.

Sheik Inda-Ade said the ICU is not a threat to the peace and stability of Ethiopia but is at the position of defending its land against any outside enemy.

He accused Ethiopia of conducting constant interference with Somalia affairs and sending thousands of its troops into Somalia.

"I am telling the people in Ethiopia that ICU is not on attack to their land but is keeping the misled soldiers out of our land and that is our right to do," Sheik Inda-Ade said.

The Islamic official has threatened that the ICU would attack the Ethiopian troops anywhere if they don’t withdraw from Somalia. He blamed the Ethiopian premier Meles Zenawi on continuing violence inside Somalia and entire the region.

Asked whether the Islamic Courts give support to the rebels in Ethiopia, Sheik Indha-Ade said 'that is untrue and baseless allegation'.


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