Resolution of the OLF National Council Extraordinary Meeting
The Oromo Liberation Front National Council has successfully completed its extraordinary meeting that was held from October 2-5, 2008. The extraordinary meeting was called to address heightened repression against the Oromo people perpetrated by the TPLF/EPRDF (Woyane) minority regime, issues regarding a minority splinter group that recently separated itself from the organization and other timely issues. The Council concluded by reaching unanimous decision on all the agenda items and giving policy guidelines for the executive committee.
After the thorough discussion the council confirmed that the Woyane regime heightened its repression against the Oromo people by aggressively depriving them of their natural human, political and economic rights using every possible means, including famine. On the other hand, the council noted that, the challenges facing the regime in Oromia, Ogadenia, other parts of Ethiopia and Somalia is deepening and that the regime is more fragile than ever. Therefore, the Council instructed the Executive Committee to prepare appropriate plans to act on this situation.
The Council is also deeply saddened by the acts of a minority splinter group who, at this critical time, failed to resolve all issues through constitutional means by upholding the OLF constitution. The Council concluded that the action of the splinter group was an attempt to usurp the leadership of the OLF by unconstitutional means. The Council also noted that the action of this group did not constitutionally or by any means affect the legitimacy of the National Council or its Executive Committee.
The National Council is cognizant that maintaining organizational unity as well as strengthening the unity of the Oromo nation is vital for the success of the strug¬gle for national liberation. Hence any move that could undermine the organizational capacity and create favorable condition only for the TPLF-led Ethiopian government, an archenemy of the Oromo people's struggle for national liberation, must be condemned.
The Council realized that the TPLF regime is tirelessly exploiting any condition created by human or nature. It is working hard to divide the Oromo people along regional, religious and other possible lines. The National Council warns our members, supporters, and Oromo people at large not to be misled by destructive propaganda from any corner that distracts our focus on the struggle against tyrannical regime of TPLF. Therefore, the Council calls upon the OLF members, Supporters and the Oromo people to stand in unison and enhance the struggle against the EPRDF regime than ever before.
The OLF National Council is mindful that Oromia and the right of Oromo people is a common good to all independent Oromo political organizations. The Council calls upon all independent Oromo political organizations to stand up against all actions that undermine the Oromo national interest and aspiration for national liberation. We also call upon independent Oromo national liberation organizations to leave aside our minor differences and jointly safeguard the unity of Oromo people and the cause of national liberation.
The national council would like to assure the Oromo people, friends of the Oromo Liberation struggle and our partners in the struggle against the TPLF tyrannical regime that the OLF and the Oromo people will not be weakened by enemy machinations. It also affirms that legitimate leadership is intact and united more than any time and we are working on accelerating our march towards achieving our goal in the shortest time.
OLF- National Council
October 5, 2008
Murtii fi Kutannoolee Walgahii Hatattamaa
Gumiin Sabaa ABO walgahii hatattamaa Onk. 2-5, 2008 godhatee milkiin xumuratee jira. Walgahiin hatattamaa GS ABO kun haala hojii dhaabaa walii galaa, caasaa fi karoora hojii, deemsa QBO irratti balinaan marihatee jira. Akkasumas walgahiin sochii sirna dhablummaa dhaaba keessatti dhalate irraa afaanfajja'iinsa dhaaba, miseensota, ummata Oromoo fi mooraa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo keessatti uumuun yaalame balinaan xiinxalee jira. Hundeen haala kana maal akka tahe, waan inni QBO tii fi ABO keessatti uumu fi haala diinaa irratti bilchinaan marihatee murtii fi kutannoolee armaa gadii dabarsee jira.
Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo dhaaba heeraa fi seera ifaa qabu, hoggana isaa waltajjii sirnaa fi seerawaa irratti kan filmaata miseensotaan utubuu fi yoo barbaachise irraa buusuu malee fonqolchaan kan hin kaafamne ykn gara biraan bakka hin buufamnee dha. Sirna kanaa alatti murni kam iyyuu fonqolchee hoggana qabadhe, dhaaba dhuunfadhe jedhee yoo labse seeraa fi heeraa ABOtiin deggeramaa miti.
Hoggana seeraa fi heeraan dhaaba gaggeessu malee murni kam illee maqaa ABOn dubbachuu, alaabaa, faajjii fi asxaa isaa maxxanfachuu hin danda'u. Walumaa galatti murni dhaaba keessatti dhoksaan of ijaaraa turee fonqolcha godhuu labsate kun bolola aangootiif akka tahe walgahiin GS hubatee kun heeraa fi seera dhaaba keenyaa keessatti yakka ol aanaa tahuu mirkaneesseera. Miseensoti maalummaa murna kanaa osoo hin beekin sochii isaaniin afaanfajjaa'an akka yeroon of sirreessan GS waamicha godheera.
Walgahiin GS sochii sirna dhablooti kun gaggeessine jedhanii labsanin afaanfajjja'iinsa yeroo gabaabaa dhaaba, ummataa fi mooraa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo keessatti uumu waan danda'uuf karaa maraan akka dura dhaabbatamu ajajeera. Sababa sochii murna kanaan laafinni tokkummaa qabsaawotaa fi ummata keenya irraa gahe salphaatti kan ilaalamu miti. Walgahiin gochaa sirna dhabloota kanaa sagalee guddaan balaaleffata. Gaaga'ama fi balaa sababa sochii murna kanaan QBOtii fi ABO irra gahee fi gahaa jiruuf seenaa keessatti akka itti gaafataman beeksifna.
Oromummaan qabsoo waggootii 30 olii fi wareegama gootota baayyeen ijaaramaa as gahe dha. Ummatni Oromoo injifannoo qabsoo isaantiin galmeesse kana wanneen xiqqeessan ykn miidhan usee ilaaluu akka hin dandeenye sochii godhaa tureen mirkaneessee jira. Haalli dhiheenya dhaaba keessatti dhalate fi sochiin sana booda mumul'atan Oromummaa kan sharafan tahun ifa bahee jira.
Bolola aangoo qaban bakkaan gahachuuf ammoo kaayyoo Oromummaa wanneen laaffisan dhimma bahaa jiraachuun hubatameera. Ummata dogoggorsuuf dhaadannoo jijjiirama jedhu kan dhugaan isaa garuu kan qabsoo isaa laaffisu, dhaaba isaa dadhabsiisu, WBO laaffisu fi Oromummaa sharafu waan taheef ummatni Oromoo sagalee jabaa dhaan balaaleffachuu qaba. Akeeki isaanii akka bakka hin geenyeef dura dhaabbatamuu qaba.
Mootummaan Itophiyaa darabee aangoo qabatan hundi mirga ummata Oromoo sarbanii, qabeenyaa isaa saamanii bulchan. Mootummaan amma aangoo irra jiru ammoo ummatni Oromoo akka beelaan, hiyyumaan, dhukkubaan fi kkfn dhumu godhaa jira. Diina ummata Oromoo buqqisuuf tokkummaan miseensotaa fi sabaa cimsuun murteessaa dha. Shirri hoggana dadhamsiisuu fi tokkummaa miseensotaa fi waraana bilisummaa Oromoo laaffisuu irratti qiyaafate, diinaaf aanjaa uumaa jira. Kanaaf tokkummaa miseensotaa fi sabaa wanneen sharafan maraa, keessaa fi alaan, dura akka dhaabbatamu, tokkummaan miseensotaa fi sabaa akka tikfamu GS waamicha isa jabeessee dabarsa.
Miseensoti ABO bakka jirtan maratti kaayyoo waadaa galataniif yaadachuun dhaaba keessan ABO shororkaa dhalate irraa akka ittiftan dhaamsa keenya dabarsina. Akeeki Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo diina humnaan biyya keenya qabatee mirga ummata keenyaa sarbe kaasuun Oromiyaa bilisomsuu dha. Kana galiin gahuuf WBOn keessa isaatti tokkummaa qabaachun guddaa barbaachisaa dha. Kanaaf shira keessaa fi alaa kan WBO laaffisuu fi diiguuf godhamaa jiru dura jabinaan akka dhaabbattanii fashalsiftan waamicha goona.
Dhaaboti Oromoo walaba tahan sagantaa adda addaa haa qabaatan malee Oromiyaa fi Oromummaan qabeenya waloo kan waliin qabanii dha. Wanneen qabeenya gamtaa kana sharafan ykn xiqqeessan yeroo mul'ataa jiraniitti cal'isanii ilaaluun hin barbaachisu. Dhaaboti Oromoo kun garaa garummaa wal gidduutti qabanu dhiphifataa Oromiyaa fi Oromummaa tiksuu irratti dirqama waan waloo qabaniif kana irratti akka bobba'an waamicha keenya dabarsina.
Walgahiin waan hubate keessaa tokko haala afaanfajjii uumameen liqimfamnee diina innikaa irratti xiyyeeffachuun xiqqaachuun argameera. Diinni amma dura iyyuu naannoo, amantii, gosaa fi gandaan nu qoodee humna qabsoo bilisummaa dadhabsiisuuf guddaa tattafataa ture. Haalli amma dhalate akeeka diinaa kanaaf aanjaa guddaa kan uumu waan taheef miseensoti ABO, deggertooti, fi ummatni Oromoo bal'aan diina kallacha irratti akka xiyyeeffatan waamicha keenya dabarsina.
Mootummaan Itophiyaa tooftaa adda qoodani bituutti dhimma bahuun ummatoota biyyichaa nagaan bara dheeraa waliin jiraatan walitti buusee dhiiga dhangalaasee, lubbuu balleessee, qabeenyaan akka barbadaawu godhaa ture. Diinni amma illee shira kana dalagaa waan jiruuf ummatooti cunqurfamoon waldhabbiilee isaan giddutti ka'uu malan karaa nagaa fi aadaan akka fixatan dhaamaa, shira diinatti dammaqanii akka fashalsiisuu irratti hojjatan dhaamsa keenya haaromsina.
Gadaan Gadaa Bilisummaa ti!!
Injifannoo Ummata Oromoof!!!
Onk 5, 2008
Source: Oromo Liberation Front
October 09, 2008
Resolution of the OLF National Council Extraordinary Meeting
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