March 28, 2009

Oromia and Ethiopia: State Formation and Ethnonational Conflict, 1868-2004 (Prof. Asafa Jalata)

Author: Asafa Jalata
Author info: Professor of Sociology
Publication Date: May 2005
Publisher: Red Sea Press
Synopsis: This original work traces the cultural and political history of the Oromo, their colonization and incorporation into the modern state of Ethiopia and the racialized/ethnicized capitalist world system, and their long struggle for self-determination and democracy. It further illustrates how facing state terrorism, genocide, and gross human rights violations in the twenty-first century from the Tigrayan-led Ethiopian government has increased the commitment of the Oromo to determine their destiny as a nation. Jalata examines why the reorganization of that state in the 1970s and again in the 1990s failed to change the nature of Ethiopian colonialism. Tags:
