March 23, 2010

Special Coverage of OACC Pannel Discussion "What's Next for the Oromo People?" (

OSA Challenges Exclusion of Oromo from State Department's Upcoming Seminar on Ethiopia

OSA calls upon Oromo-Americans and American friends of the Oromo to call/contact the State Department and other elected officials until the decision to exclude Oromo from the Seminar is reversed.

The Executive Committee of OSA is very excited to learn that the Bureau of African Affairs in the US State Department is organizing a seminar/ conference on Ethiopia on April 5, 2010. OSA is following the issue of this conference with a great deal of interest, because Ethiopia is at the crossroads due to the upcoming election in May of 2010.

We were even more excited when we learned that Professor Asafa Jalata, a renowned Oromo-American scholar, was invited to participate on this historic seminar and make a presentation on the current Ethiopian situation from the Oromo perspective. However, our excitement had soon changed to sadness and depression when we learned that he was later on told that he could not participate in this seminar because he was an Oromo.

We believe that such an important conference will be successful when and only when all the stakeholders are proportionally represented and when all voices are heard. Read More » » »

"Coming together is the beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success." The OACC Panel Discussion was the beginning.

Gadaa.comSPECIAL COVERAGE: OACC Panel Discussion: "What's Next for the Oromo People?"

Gadaa.comOromo: If United, We Can Make a Difference Even in the Horn | Fayyis Oromia

Gadaa.comEgereen uummata Oromoo maali? | Abdii Boruu

Gadaa.comAbrahim Abbayyee: "What is Next for Oromo?"

Gadaa.comHassen Hussein: "What is Next for Oromo?" TV

Gadaa.comAsafa Jalata: What is the Future of Oromo?

Gadaa.comVOA Interview OACC Chairman & Panelists Afaan Oromoo Radio

Gadaa.comLeaders of the Oromo Liberation Movement: Where is the Conflict? | Fayyis Oromia

Gadaa.comThere is No Ethiopia Without Oromia – Minnesota OACC Panelists | Qeerransoo Biyyaa

Gadaa.comOpening Speech of Mr. Itana at the 4th OACC Annual Conference

Prev: "If United, we can make a Difference even in the Horn!"

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