May 04, 2010

Tokkummaa Of Oromummaa For Bilisummaa - The Panacea?! (Fayyis Oromia)

Tokkummaa Of Oromummaa For Bilisummaa - The Panacea?!

Fayyis Oromia

Oromo people as a collective entity are without any question suffering under garbummaa (slavery or tyranny) since the end of the nineteenth century. This collective entity is trying to get back its lost bilisummaa (freedom) since the time of occupation or colonization by the invading nefxenyas (war lords) of Abyssinians. Oromo fought against the old nefxenya Amhara elites till 1991 and now these same occupied people are fighting against the neo-nefxenya Weyane, since the later took power from the old nefxenyas. Now it seems the descendants of the old nefxenyas are trying to come back and the neo-nefxenyas are doing their best to stay in the very lucrative power in Finfinne palace. The question to be asked again and again is: what do Oromo people should do? Still fight each other as our enemies in both the old and the new nefxenya camps want us to do?

I do write this short essay after visiting the website,, where some "leaders of Oromo liberation" do write their articles opposing tokkummaa Oromo (Oromo unity) and the paltalk MMTUO (mana marii tokkummaa uummata Oromo = paltalk discussing about Oromo people's unity)), where anti-tokkummaa-Oromo individuals are vehemently fighting against the current move of Oromo nationalists to bring together Oromo liberation forces in general and the three factions of OLF in particular. I am amazed to hear and read from such "Oromo" individuals. I put here the word Oromo in qutation mark for the highest probability is that they are Afaan Oromo speaking part of our "smart foes" or of course the misguided from our own society. Otherwise, I don't see any logic, why any reasonable Oromo should campaign against tokkummaa of Oromummaa for Bilisummaa (unity based on Oromoness to achieve liberty) at this particular time of our worst condition of slavery.

I tried to understand these "Oromo" individuals opposing tokkummaa and to find out the reason they do have to be as such anti-tokkummaa. I just found the following main reasons they do pray daily as a mantra:

- "tokkummaa tokkummaa diigu hin barbaadnu (unity which dismantels unity is not needed) or what is now propagated and going on is tokkummaa sobaa ti (it is a fake unity)";

- "tokkummaa suggested and lead by obbo Leenco Lataa is fake";

- "tokkummaan Sorressa Jaarraa Abbaagadaa hin daballe, tokkummaa dhugaa miti (unity excluding Jaarraa Abbaagadaa is not true unity)";

- "WBO must not be exclusively controlled by ABO (Oromo liberation army must not be exclusively controlled by Oromo liberation front)", etc

Before trying to comment on these points of arguements, let me try to define opperationally the concepts tokkummaa (unity), oromummaa (Oromo nationalism) and bilisummaa (liberty). I do this simple job and I will repeat what I already wrote 3000x till both our "smart foes and stu*pid friends" do comprehend, if they really can or want to understand.

Tokkummaa Oromo is the unity which should take our diveristy in to consideration and Oromo nationalists must have the future democratic federal Oromia in mind. In such sense of a possible federation of Oromo people from different regions, clans and religions, tokkummaa is to be defined from the latin word foedus meaning covenant. Such tokkummaa is a union comprising a number of partially self-governing states or regions united by a central ("federal") government. In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states is typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision of the central government. A covenant, in its most general signification, means any kind of promise or contract, whether it be made in writing or by parol. In a more technical sense, and the one in which it is here considered, a covenant is an agreement between two or more persons, entered into in writing and under seal, whereby either party stipulates for the truth of certain facts, or promises to perform or give something to the other, or to abstain from the performance of certain things.

In such sense, Oromo individuals or groups (based on region, clan, party and religion) should be able to forge such covenance, promise, agreement or contract in order to build a common purpose of establishing future independent federal Oromia, be it within or without a union of free nations in the region or have a covenance in order to abstain from any sort of destructive words and works which hinder Oromo from achieving the common purpose. For this free Oromia to be realized, the positive Oromo nationalism (patriotism) or oromummaa must be the common ground for all Oromo individuals and groups. What is this common identity, oromummaa (Oromo patriotism)?

Patriotism is love and devotion to one's country. The word comes from the Greek patris, meaning fatherland. Patriotism, however, has had different meanings over time, and its meaning is highly dependent upon context, geography, and philosophy. Although patriotism is used in certain vernaculars as a synonym for nationalism, nationalism is not necessarily considered an inherent part of patriotism. Among the ancient Greeks, patriotism consisted of notions concerning language, religious traditions, ethics, law, and devotion to the common good, rather than pure identification with a nation-state (nationalism is such identification). Some scholars even write that patriotism does not require one to agree with everything that his country does and would actually promote analytical questioning in a quest to make the country the best it possibly can be.

In this sense, let me take the beneficial definition, i.e patriotism as a devotion to the common good. What is the common good for Oromo at this particular time? No question moving from the hitherto garbummaa (slavery) to bilisummaa (liberty) of the future is the common good all Oromo individuals and groups need to devote to now. This devotion of Oromo, despite all the diversities in the nation, to the common good is what I would call a true oromummaa (patriotism). The tokkummaa we are now struggling for is the tokkummaa based on such oromummaa.

The ultimatum goal of this tokkummaa of oromummaa is bilisummaa in a sense of national self-determination including individual liberty. Self-determination is a process by which a group of people, usually possessing a degree of political consciousness, form their own state and government. According to the UN charter, a people has the right to form itself into a state or to otherwise determine the form of its association with another state, and every state has the right to choose its own political, economic, social, and cultural systems. Moreover, the administering authorities of dependent territories are to ensure political advancement and the development of self-government in those territories.

It is such bilisummaa of Oromo (self-determination), which needs to be taken as a common good. Additionally bilisummaa in a sence of individual liberty is to be persued in a future federal democratic Oromia within or without a union of nations in the Horn. Bilisummaa in a sense of liberty has found philosophical expression in individualism. It is the conception of the individual as having certain natural rights that could not be denied or taken away by society or by any external authority, it includes rights possessed by people living in a "state of nature" and not surrendered, only modified, in the social contract by which they agreed to live together in society. Political scientists point out that even in a "state of nature", people are subject to the law of nature and that the rights enjoyed by them in society are historically acquired and not natural except in a strictly social sense. Liberties are acquired through the joining of like-minded individuals to gain special privileges for themselves.

So if we do understand bilisummaa in such individual sense (liberty) and in collective sense (self-determination), no question that Oromo do struggle for bilisummaa in both senses. Tokkummaa based on oromummaa (respecting our diversities in region, clan, party and religion) is the best means we need to achieve the bilisummaa in the above both senses. From this perspective, we just ask who are those individuals against our tokkummaa of oromummaa for bilisummaa? As usual I do see two types of personalities behind this opposition: our "smart" foes and our "stu*pid" friends.

Then the next question is, who are those Afaan Oromo speaking people in MMTUO and those Afaan Oromo writing on and are vehemently opposing the current move of Oromo nationalists and Oromo people to forge and consolidate this best instrument, tokkummaa of oromummaa for bilisummaa? Are they misguided Oromo with genuine arguement for they probably see any sort of danger in this tokkummaa or are they a well paid and dispatched Weyane cadres just to disurb Oromo unity for they know that this unity is the only power Oromo do have? To the cadres, I just say: you are doing good job; regarding the misguided Oromo, I would like to advice them to keep quite, if they have a position not supporting the current tokkummaa for some reason. The misguided Oromo better do no harm to their own nation rather than to be instruments of our foes knowingly or unknowingly.

Time will show who these anti-tokkummaa individuals really are, but undisputable is the importance of tokkummaa Oromo for bilisummaa we want to achieve by any means necessary. Oromo is enslaved in addition to the help our colonizers got from their Western friends, because of the fact that we gradually lost the tokkummaa we had under Gadaa rule. History shows us that the old nefxenyas could conquer Oromo by dividing and using certain parts of Oromo elites; they also ruled till 1991 by instrumentalizing again some Oromo elites. The neo-nefxenya modernized this trend of using the collaborators by organizing them under one "Oromo political party". So they tried to fool Oromo people by saying: " here you are already liberated and you are now ruled by Oromo political party".

Of course Oromo people are not as such fool to buy such insulting of our intelligence. We know the Afaan Oromo speaking Habeshas and the few previleged Oromo mercenaries in the "Oromo party" ruling Oromia are there just to keep the status quo. They keep the hitherto victories out of fearing Oromo people and inhibit further liberation movement just to benefit their masters who are in Finfinne palace. Further liberation move means a lose of the lucrative power for their masters from Tigrai. Now being very rich as they are, these Weyane elites can buy any mercenary Oromo or any Afaan Oromo speaking others to sow a discord among Oromo nationalists using the paltalks and websites as shown above. No wonder that these new nefxenyas do any thing under the sun to inhibit tokkummaa of oromummaa for biliosummaa.

Are the assertions I heared/read in MMTUO and and I listed above the legitimate reason for the opposition by the individuals against the ongoing tokkummaa? What does "tokkummaa tokkummaa diigu hin barbaadnu" mean? Did the individuals want tokkummaa being controlled by Weyane? Is any tokkummaa not accepted by Afaan Oromo speaking and Afaan Oromo writing anti-Oromo a fake? Who are they to discredit and demonize obbo Leencoo? Did they contribute one hundredth of what he did? Are they really concerned that Jaarraa Abbaagadaa is "excluded" or did they now get another way of dividing Oromo nationalists (OLF vs ULFO)? Why do they cry and try to separate WBO from ABO, is this really healthy approach? Is it again the new way of dividing Oromo nationalists: ABO vs WBO? Let the readers answer these questions themselves, I just leave the questions as such.

Thanks Waaqayyoo/Rabbii, despite these all efforts of our "smarts and stu*pids", Oromo community all over the world is engulfed by the notion of tokkummaa and no power on the earth can hinder it. We have seen tokkummaa forged by some of our hitherto mini- liberation forces. Now we are waiting for the best breakthrough, i.e re-unification of the three factions of OLF. Of course then can follow the possible unification of OLF with ULFO and the possible cooperation of struggle with OFC and even with the true Oromo face of OPDO, i.e genuine and non-criminal Oromo nationalists in OPDO (ignoring the Weyane face of OPDO or those serving their master Weyane). Such tandem action of Oromo nationalists in OPDO, OFC, ULFO and OLF is the worst thing our enemies, be it those longing for the coming back of the old nefxenyas or those trying to keep the new nefxenas in power, can experience. So no wonder if they do everything to make sure that Oromo will not be united.

They tried the division by presenting as if there is irreconcialable difference of Kaayyoo between different liberation forces of Oromo. I hope now many Oromo nationalists (except few, who still pray the old mantra) have got the truth that there is no conflict of Kaayoo per se. I repeat it as often as possible that there is only ONE Kaayyoo-Oromo (bilisummaa in a sense of self-determination) with three possible sub-kaayyoo's (sub-goals): tactical goal/kaayyoo-tooftaa (Oromian autonomy in Ethiopian context), CORE goal/kaayyoo-ijo (Oromian independence) and strategical goal/kaayyoo-tarsimoo (union of independent nations in the region). Is this hard to understand or is it a "secret" not to be revealed to our enemies? I think, both our foes and our friends must understand what we want to achieve. This way or that way, freedom is not free! There is nothing our foes give us because of their benevolence.

We just forge tokkummaa of oromummaa for bilisummaa and then compell our colonizers in Finfinne palace to give up their subjugating grip on Oromo nation. We advice also the Amhara mass and the Tegaru mass to distance themselves from both the old nefxenyinet (war-lordism) and the new nefxeyninet respectively and struggle for the liberty (self-determination) of their respective nations, so that we can build a UNION of free nations in the Horn/empire/region for our common economical benefit. Until the great Oromo nation be free from Abyssinian colonization/domination, there will never be the required peace and stability in the Horn, for which both the Abyssinians and their Western freinds long, as a prerequisite for development. So liberation of Oromia is good not only for Oromo, but also for the other stakeholders of the region.

Last but not least, the beginning of this regional union is the tokkummaa of Oromo as a covenant for our national common good. Now it is a time for Oromo groups from diverse regions, clans, parties and religions to undertake such covenant to move together under the common identity of Oromummaa with the positive Oromo nationalism (patriotism) towards the common good, i.e bilisummaa. After achieving bilisummaa Oromo, there is nothing under the sky which can prevent the free Oromo nation and the free other neighbour nations from fostering the highly advantegeous cultural, economic and political union. I hope both our foes and friends will comprehend this move of Oromo and then accept as well as respect our legitimate move which is ultimately advantegeous for all stakeholders. That is why I dare to say tokkummaa of oromummaa for bilisummaa is not only the right way for Oromo, but also a panacea for all economic and political problems in the Horn. Otherwise, I just say, let Waaqayyoo/Rabbii open the minds of all the concerned including the oppressors so that they understand not only what is good for themselves, but what is common good for all in the region!


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