November 21, 2006

“Democracy is our sole means of ensuring national survival,” says dictator Meles

The TPLF/EPRDF's Ministry of Information website Waltainfo writes:
“Democracy is our sole means of ensuring national survival,” said prime minister Meles.

Meles further said Ethiopia needs and wants partnership with the EU to support its Programme of democratization and promotion of good governance, Meles said, and added that democracy cannot be imposed by force of arms or brought through financial inducements."

God knows what kind of democratization and good governance the TPLF/EPRDF's prime minister is talking about. How long will this brutal and barbaric regime survive? How long will the pro- government journalists misinform the public?


OromiaTimes said...

I am glad that you have invited people who want to post some articles on your website. I know that you are not serious. If I praise you, I am sure you will post it. If I oppose your policy, you will not. Of course I appreciate your website with Meles coveing his face. I am not sure whether he was happy or sad.

The other thing I want to comment about is your latest policy of embracing your former enemy. I was not comfortable to hear this story. Not because you created alliance with the Amhara that you have been condemning as the blood sucker nefxenyaa. Of course, there is no a permanent enemy or a permanent friend. Whites and blacks are living together peacefully in South Africa. US and Japan, Russia and Germany are friends today after the slaughters of the WW II, I am sad because you betrayed your friends and people to embrace this arrangement. Secondly you are lying to the people by saying that you are going to liberate them when your plan is to shape a new Ethiopia, together with the CUD. I am sorry for this policy.

Even if you are not posting this message, I am glad that you have read it. I urge you to read not only this note but also the people, the makers of history. I love you all.

Dawit Shiferaw D.

DSD can be reached by

OromiaTimes said...

Dear Mr Shiferaw,

OromiaTimes published your message to the public, because of that it was your wish to do so. We leave the rest of your comment to the public.

OromiaTimes said...

Please read the author of the comment as Dawit Shifaw. We appologize for the type errror.