December 11, 2006

Hyenas Eat Two Women in Central Somalia

Aweys Osman Yusuf
Hyenas ate two women in a tiny village in Hiran province, central Somalia. Reports say the corpses of the two women were found in two different locations around Jiqley village, which was one of the flood-hit areas.
After they had left Baledweyn, the main town of Hiran province, the two women were missing for the past three days when their bodies were found Monday morning.
Mohammed Hersi, a relative to the women, has told Shabelle by telephone that pieces of their flesh were lying around. "We do not know what ate these them, but we saw the paw traces of hyenas, so we are convinced they were eaten by hyenas," he added.
Following the deadly floods that killed more than 150 people and displaced more than one million, snakes, crocodiles and other carnivorous beasts have an alarming threat to rural communities whose livelihood hinges on moving from one place to another.

The hyenas were particularly a great threat to pastoral communities in tiny villages of central Somalia, attacking animal herds in Hiran province.
Reports from Lower Shabelle province, southern Somalia, indicate that people in Warmahan village are facing difficulties of life after floods of Shabelle River had badly effected their livelihood.
Residents appealed to international aid agencies for an immediate help.

Shabelle Media Network

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