December 11, 2006

Islamists target Ethiopia border

Islamist gunmen
The Islamists have called for all Somalis to fight Ethiopia
Somali Islamist fighters are heading for a town near the border with Ethiopia, aiming to cut off the government base in Baidoa, they say.

The Islamists accuse Ethiopia of fighting with the forces of the government in Baidoa - charges denied by Ethiopia.

The military build-up in the town of Tiyeglow follows fierce fighting on Friday and Saturday.

There are fears of a regional conflict breaking out in Somalia.

Meanwhile, Uganda has said it will not send peacekeeping troops to Somalia unless security improves.

We will go to all border towns in our country to deprive our enemy of a route to enter into our country
Mohamed Ibrahim Bilaal
Islamist official

Last week, the UN Security Council approved plans for an African peacekeeping force but Uganda was the only country whose troops were named as ready to go.

The Islamists reject the idea of sending foreign peacekeepers.

Government movement

Tiyeglow is about 150 kilometres (90 miles) north-east of Baidoa, the only town the government controls, on the main road to Baidoa from Ethiopia.

"Our fighters, with large number of battle wagons, are now advancing on Tiyeglow," said Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) official Mohamed Ibrahim Bilaal.


"We will go to all border towns in our country to deprive our enemy [Ethiopia] of a route to enter into our country."

Government commander Mohamed Ali Gaboobe said they had sent some 700 troops to Tiyeglow on Sunday to prevent "Islamist expansion".

On Friday, a senior UIC official called on all Somalis to join their fight against Ethiopia.

Ethiopia denies taking part in fighting but admits to having hundreds of military trainers in Baidoa.

Prime Minister Meles Zenawi says Ethiopia has made preparations in case of an Islamist attack.

Analysts says the clashes and artillery exchanges that took place south-west of Baidoa on Friday and Saturday could be the opening shots of the long-anticipated war for control of Somalia.

Ugandan Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Oryem Okello told Reuters news agency that there could be "all-out war" in Somalia.

"We have decided that at this particular time, we should not go to Somalia," he said. The UIC has taken control of most of southern Somalia since taking the capital Mogadishu in June.

BBC News Africa


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