November 29, 2006

Somalia: Islamists vow to invite foreign Jihadists if the UN lifts the arms embargo

Mohamed Abdi Farah

(SomaliNet) The powerful Islamic movement controlling much of southern and central Somalia said on Tuesday they would allow foreign Muslim fighters into Somalia and fight alongside with the Islamic Courts if the United Nation Security Council lifts the embargo on Somalia.

Speaking in mass protest against the presence of the Ethiopian troops inside Somalia, Sheik Yusuf Mohamed Siad known as Inda-Ade means ‘White eyes’, The chief security of Islamic Courts Union called on the Muslim and Arab world to help Somali Muslims fight against the Ethiopian invaders.

It is the first public comment by the Islamic Courts showing they would seek help from foreign fighters in response of the US trial to allow African peace keepers to enter Somalia to back up the weak interim government based in Baidoa city in southwest Somalia.

Hundreds of people rallied today at the main square of Tarabunka in south of Mogadishu in protest against Ethiopia and favour of the Islamic Courts.

Sheik Indha Ade
The Islamic movements made its last ditch of attempt to stir up the public to join the Jihad on the Ethiopian troops that massed in several areas in the country with huge number of heavily armed forces following the recent comment by the Ethiopian prime minister Meles Zenawi in which said revealed to enter war with the Islamic Courts in Somalia.

“We are telling the world if the US government does not stop its attempt to lift the arms embargo on Somalia we would invite all Muslim warriors to arrive in Somalia to repel our enemy,” Sheik Siad Inda-Adde said in fuming words adding “the US draft resolution will cause major conflict that will have an impact on all east African countries,”

He suggested to all IGAD member states to stop Ethiopian government from attacking Somalia if they want peace and stability. “The war would not only stay in Somalia but it would spread to the entire counties in the region as well,”

“We (Islamic Courts Union) are asking the Muslim world to break the silence and prevent the aggression by the Ethiopian government which wants to occupy our land but we sworn to die for the defence of the soil against the enemy that is the minority Tigree regime,” Sheik Inda-Adde said encouraging the crowds to hold the for the liberation of their land off the invaders.

Sheik Inda-Adde said that the Christian government of Ethiopia is apparently on the offensive to our religion of Islam. “Meles’ government has long been concerned over the Islamic movements in Somalia and never wished to see that an Islamic state to be born in horn of Africa but Allah has the administration of the entire globe and the creature of all the creatures,”

Sheik Sharif Sheik Ahmed, the leader of executive council of Islamic Courts also the people in the rally that it high time to defend the religion and the land against Ethiopia whose troops had entered in several directions of the country.

“We are aware of that Ethiopian troops are now in many locations of Somalia territory aiming the occupy our land and that is unacceptable for all Somalis, it is an obligation on every Somali individual to scarify his/her live for the defence of the motherland, because Meles Zenawi, the ruthless leader of Ethiopia wants to occupy Somalia and prevent the Islam and its practice,” Sheik Ahmed said. “we are telling you that great deal of number of Ethiopian troops equipped with tanks and heavy weapons tanks and reached today in around Bandiredly village near Galkaayo city in Mudug region, their aim is to kill us in our land and then colonize the rest of us, so you must not wait the enemy until it comes into your positions, you should go against the advancing Ethiopians,”

Sheik Ahmed, whose face was in angry mood, asked himself why the Ethiopian troops want from non invading people. “I want to inform the people of Ethiopia that we are not on an attack to their therefore the Ethiopian troops should leave our country and let us determine our future,” he said.

During the rally, many Islamic officials and other supporters showed their readiness to put the Ethiopians in hot water.

Sheik Fuad Mohamed Qalaf, the head of educational department of Islamic Courts who also addressed the demonstration announced that all educational centres in areas controlled by the Islamic Courts would be closed as soon as the war started between Islamic Courts and Ethiopian troops.

“I am here asserting that whenever the fighting break out, there will be no schools and universities open, all the teachers, learners and other people will go to the Jihad on Ethiopia, even the wife would go to the Jihad with out the consent of her husband to resist the enemy,” Sheik Mohamed Qalaf said citing verses of the holy Koran on the Jihad. “I want to warn you against the infidels…the infidels want to occupy our capital... infidels want to humiliate the Muslims... infidels want to remove the hijab of our women, so you should join the join till the last of you die,”

Some of the people attended the today’s rally were holding portraits written on anti Ethiopian troops slogans and condemning the US support to Ethiopian government with the fight against Islamic Courts.

The Islamic Courts have been involving in large military movements and recruiting more troops and also deploying all its forces at the defence lines, since it emerged the reports on that Ethiopian government made it clear to enter direct war with them.

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